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14th Conferencia Internacional "EURO-RIOC 2016"

Implementación de las Directivas Europeas del Agua



 Cirque de Gavarnie
Lourdes - la basilica

Más información sobre el taller "SmArt water management with Integrated Decision support System" (19 de octubre – 13h00) 


Papers :


Presentation of the French Water Governance

La politique de l’eau en France: évolutions - François MITTEAULT
Le bassin ADOUR-GARONNE - Laurent Bergeot


Objectives and Actions of INBO and the “europe-INBO” group of european basin organisations

Présentation de Jean-François DONZIER (Secrétaire Général du RIOB)


 Roundtable 1: WFD: towards the 2019 reviews

Let’s go to the review of the WFD - Jean-Marie QUÉMÉNER
DCE : en route pour la révision 2019 - Christian LECUSSAN
Lessons learned from the process elaboration of the 1stand 2nd Romanian River Basin Management Plans and 2027 deadline challenges for achievingthe environmental objectives - Elena TUCHIU
Réflexions sur le bilan et les perspectives de révision de la DCE  - Jean Launay
WFD: New challenges - Maria BABUKCHIEVA

Roundtable 2: Water Governance in Transboundary Basins

Adaptation measures catalogue as a decision support tool for the watergovernance within transboundary basin - Mariusz Adynkiewicz-Piragas, Iwona Zdralewicz Aspects transfrontaliers de la mise en oeuvre Focus sur la Wallonie (Belgique) - Pierre-Nicolas LIBERT
Evolution des enjeux de la coopération transfrontalière pour la  gestion des eaux au travers de l’exemple du Rhin - Christian SZACOWNY
Experiences from the Danube River Basin - Focus on Public Participation - Hélène Masliah-Gilkarov
Groundwater management in transboundary river basin organizations - Tales Carvalho Resende
The Dniester and the Prut transboundary rivers: Agreements, national transboundary riversbasin management plans, actual challenges, the EU Water Initiative Plus project - Igor Hincu
Water governance in transboundary basins: critical issues of political resilience - Gábor Baranyai


Roundtable 3: Adaptation to Climate Change: resources management, scarcity and drought

Adaptacion al cambio climatico de los montes de la Confederacion Hidrografica del Guadalquivir - Manuel Romero Ortiz
Adaptation au Changement Climatique le Plan du bassin Rhône Méditerranée - Philippe CLAPÉ
Adapting to climate change in the Amudarya basin: dealing with droughts… - Dinara Ziganshina
Eau , Energie et Changement Climatique. Impact sur les activités d’EDF - François Maurel
Water resources, scarcity and climate change. The case of Spain - Teodoro Estrela Monreal


Roundtable 4: A adaptation to Climate Change: knowledge of flood risks, management of aquatic environments and preventive measures in the basins

Adaptation au changement climatique, des "aménagements insubmersibles et réversibles" - Darches, un procédé novateur pour les bassins versants qui gère les pénuries comme les excès de la nature - Pierre-Louis Perrin
Flood protection in the Czech Republic and International Contexts - Pavel Puncochar
Flood risks,management and measures in the basins - KALININ Mikhail
La gouvernance de l’eau en Vallées des Gaves - Maryse Carrere
Les territoires insulaires tropicaux face au risque inondations - Aline Populo
Reportage Photos--Inondations Juin 2013


International and regional intiatives

Budapest Water Summit 2016 : Objectives and structure - Gábor BARANYAI
COOPERATION - ADDITIONAL POWER example: East Aeagen River Basin Directorate (Bulgaria) and Artois – Picardie Water Agancy (France) - Maria BABUKCHIEVA
Gouvernance et Gestion Intégrée des Ressources en Eau au Maroc. Objectifs et consistance - Naziha CHAKROUNI
GWP SDG Preparedness Facility (SDG-PF): The case of Moldova - Dumitru DRUMEA
Outcomes from the Workshop on circular economy and water re-use - Yannick Pochon
Peer-Review Mechanismfor the Improvement of Water Framework Directive Implementation - Yannick Pochon


Workshop on the Programs of Measures - ”Peer-Review” Mechanism

Peer-Review Mechanismfor Water Framework Directive Implementation - Ms. Tatiana Ortega –Mr. Jannick Pochon
Implementation of the Programmeof Measures in Glomma river basin district, Norway - Marte Kristin Rosnes
Programme of Measures and Economic Analysis Thematic Workshop - Paolo Mancin
The Peer-review on river restoration in the Jucar river basin Authority - Tatiana Ortega Gómez
Economic analysis in Swedish RBMPs - M. Larsson


Workshop on “Circular economy and water re-use ; what solutions and what role in the River Basin Management Plans ? "

Introduction to the workshop - Yannick Pochon
European initiative on water reuse - State-of-play - homas Petitguyot
Water reuse in Spain Solutions and role of the River Basin Management Plans - Teodoro Estrela Monreal
Treated wastewater reuse in Puglia region (Southern Italy): Experimental demo-scale activities - Alfieri Pollice
Réutiliser l'eau usée traitée pour économiser l'eau et préserver les milieux aquatiques - Rémi Touron
Economic issues concerning treated waste water allocation. The case of study of Valencia - Enrique Cifres
Outcomes from the Workshop : What solutions and what role in the River Basin Management Plans ?


”SAID” project : Smart water management

Discussion - Eric Mino
DSS for Water Quality - Sergio Brono Costa
Energy Decision Support System - Nuno Ribeiro
Flood Risk DSS- BeDam : Dam management module - Laura Panizo
Flood Risk DSS- Hydroview : River basin module - Laura Panizo
SIAD integrated web application for easier dam operation - Sergio Romero
SIAD monitoring network - Antonio Hayas Lopez
SIAD Project - SmArt Water Management with Integrated Decision Support Systems - Antonion Hayas Lopez
Overview of the workshop - Eric Mino


Side event EDgE : données satellite pour évaluer l’impact du changement climatique

EDgE : -End-to-end Demonstrator for improved decision making in the water sector in Europe

Eau et changement climatique : adaptons-nous !


Politique de l'eau en France