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For the first time, in the programme of the World Water Forum, the 9th edition organised around "Water Security for Peace and Development" included a day dedicated to the management of water resources at the level of basins ("basin segment"), on Thursday 24 March.

The stakes of this day are at the heart of the priorities of the International Network of Basin Organizations (INBO), which has been working for 30 years for social justice, environmental preservation and economic growth through the support of Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) at the scale of transnational river basins, lakes and aquifers. Indeed, as peacemakers and accelerators of sustainable development, Basin Organisations are recognised structures to carry out ambitious actions for adaptation to climate change, and to ensure a common and sustainable management of surface and groundwater resources.


"We are convinced that the basin management model strengthens dialogue, the participation of various stakeholders and achieves a better collective understanding of future water challenges. For INBO and its partners, Dakar is a major opportunity to accelerate the level of ambition around IWRM in basins, and to make it a political priority of the United Nations Water Conference in March 2023."
Eric Tardieu, INBO Secretary General.


During this session, The International Network of Basin Organisations (INBO), the United Nations Economic for Europe (UNECE), the Swiss Conféderation, the Organization for the Development of the Senegal River (OMVS) & the Organization for the Development of the Gambia River (OMVG) formally launched the :



 Dakar Action Plan for River, Lake and Aquifer Basin


This initiative comes in implementation to the global commitments of the World Water Forum Dakar Declaration “A Blue Deal for Water Security for Peace and Development”.
It translates the Declaration at the hydrographic basin level, a scale that encompasses all of the territories over which precipitation falls and water flows into a common outlet (a river, a lake, a sea).

Beyond the sole challenge of meeting the Sustainable Development Goal n°6 on water and sanitation, the achievement of water-related Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) greatly depends on our capacities to act at this basin scale, to implement Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) and to improve cross-sectoral cooperation (and in particular the Water-Food-Energy Nexus) as well as cooperation across administrations at local, regional, national and transboundary levels.
This is of course true for the achievement of the universal and equitable access to safe and affordable drinking water for all, since (almost) all of our drinking water taps come from the basins of lakes, rivers and aquifers.
We believe the Dakar Action Plan for basins can be an effective accelerator for the achievement of the SDGs.

In other words, basin management matters, basin management delivers!
The last water conference of this magnitude was organized nearly 50 years ago (Mar del Plata, 1977). This event can really be the political opportunity of a lifetime, and it needs to be seized.


Express your support by:

  • completing the dedicated form entitled “Join the Dakar action plan for basins”, here (if you did not do it already ; important: this is not a legally binding document), disseminating it in your own network and promoting it in major international events (including the Climate COP27 in Egypt in November).
  • mobilizing your organization, your country and its embassies to promote the integration of basin management within the program and outputs of the UN Water Conference (22-24 March 2023, New-York). We need stronger support in favor of basin organizations and committees, either national or transboundary, to have basin management as one of the political priorities!
  • having your country to participate in the steering committee of the initiative.

We would be pleased to have the honour to receive your support for this initiative that promotes the role of basin actors!




More informations:
  • On the Basin segment at the 9th World Water Forum: Detailed program and Outcome document

Contact : NBO permament technical secretariat